James Miller


Saturday, December 18, 2004


Simon Jenkins on Blunkett

Simon Jenkins wrote about the demise of worst Home Secretary in recent years in The Times on Friday.

Phew! But absolutely spot on! Perhaps spot on is too delicate for the best demolition job of the century so far. The work for the grandstand at Ascot does come close, but not that close!

On Wednesday, I said to my son, Henry, who works with Gareth Pierce, that I believed that Blunkett released the memo and resigned when he did, as he felt the judgement on Thursday would go against him. It would be better to resign over a domestic matter than a matter of policy. The latter would have ruined him.

You may think, I’m of the left. I am, but of the old left of the Tory party. My father was proud that he was in the East End in the 1930’s throwing rocks at Mosley. We are more civilised now and use words. Is it better?


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