James Miller


Thursday, March 31, 2005



So Benjamin Cohen is in trouble with Apple over thinking of the name iTunes.co.uk before they did. I wish him luck but he'll loose.

There was a big row over prince.com as it had been registered by a London computer consultancy and the sporting goods manufacturer wanted it.

If you look at the domain now it's sitting there waiting to be updated. I guess that Prince won or something or the London consultancy is no longer functioning. I can't find anything current about them on the web.

I also registered a domain for a client some years ago and then I get a writ saying I'd stolen the name. Of course I hadn't and as the guy who then stole it through the US courts, which cost me money to give away my rights, I am annoyed about it. But don't worry about me as I always get my own back, legally and properly.

Why are these heavy handers always American? Still it just means that I buy less and less American goods. When they treat the rest of the world as friends, rather than as someone to exploit, then I might change my policy.

But not yet!


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