James Miller


Thursday, April 28, 2005



I can’t understand why you don’t have more people on the program who are pro-immigration.

I’m a typical London mongrel, whose father’s family were Jewish and came here in the 1840’s to escape persecution. My mother’s family were French Hugenotes and came for similar reasons about eighty years before that. Immigrants have always enriched these islands and especially as we have always had a large amount of emmigration, I can see no reason to not encourage more immigration.

The interesting thing is that according to Robert Winder, the pressures that have encouraged immigration of late are now decreasing. We also have the Scots who are perhaps the only people in the UK who need more people, saying why doesn’t the immigration come there.

I can only put this very general unwelcoming attitude down to self-interest and racism.

As an aside, my great-great-grandfather came to work in the fur trade. Should I be sent back as that is rather non-PC these days?


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