James Miller


Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Michael Jackson, the NatWest Three and Others

So was Michael Jackson really guilty?

I'm not going to give my view, but it's not the verdict in the trial that matters, it is the randomness and poor quality of US justice in a high-profile trial.

Let's consider that he was guilty. In this case the jury got it absolutely wrong on all counts.

On the other hand if he was genuinely not-guilty, then why did the prosecution spend so much time and money pursuing someone, who clearly has problems. Especially the financial ones that will now bring him down, as his record sales are slumping.

So whatever happened the verdict was not obtained in a way that stands up to the scrutiny and fairness, we would expect in a trial of a similar type in the UK.

So what do we do!

We give the Americans carte-blanche to take anybody they want from here and without disclosing the evidence try them in the States.

I would hate to be the NatWest three or some of the others that the Americans want to lock up in their jails, when we believe there is no case to answer. If I was one of them, I'd hot-foot it to France right now.


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