James Miller


Sunday, July 17, 2005


Look Back in Anger?

Not Anger! Sorrow yes! Not even disbelief.

When the bombs went off in London, I suspected it was a home made bomb. Perhaps, because I've made explosives in the past and understand a lot of the chemistry, this was why I came to the conclusion.

It now looks as though I was right.

That worries me for the future. Once it's been seen to be done, then others will try. Some will fail and pointlessly blow themselves up, hopefully taking a few of their stupid followers with them. Others will succeed and may even use the technique used with devastating effect in Iraq yesterday of blowing up a petrol or gas tanker.

Those who do this will come from every part of the raving bonkers spectrum. After all, the previous London bomber, wasn't Muslim, Irish or Asian, but a far-right homophobe. Who's to say where the next bomber will come from?

But the major threat will always come from within the Muslim population.

I feel very sorry for a lot of Muslims. There has been a lot of condemnation from the leaders downwards, but how many secretly admire, the horrific deeds of the London bombers? Probably enough to bring shame on the whole of the community.

The UK Muslim population is about 1.6m. So if only 0.01 percent are potential terrorists and bombers, then that is still 160. But the Government estimates that the percentage could be as high as one or 16,000 individuals. Bear in mind that sixteen percent of all Muslim youth is unemployed and that MI5 has a staff of about 3,000 and you realise that to check everyone is impossible.

So perhaps we were lucky it was so long before a bomb happened.

Remember that bombers feel they will always win. They go to Paradise and get fifty-seven virgins! Always wondered where they get virgins from, as they were rare enough in the sixties, when the Scaffold did a superb sketch about it. They also cause tourists not to visit, businesses to go bust and unemployment to get worse. So all that will get new recruits to their stupid causes.

But they mustn't win!

They will continue to cause trouble, in Turkey, the UK, the US, France, Iraq and all over the world, until out of the mess that is modern Islam, comes a man, woman or even a sane philosophy to lead them into the modern world. It would also help if there were several Muslim countries where anybody no matter what race, creed or religion, they be, could live in harmony.

Both goals are a long way away. And probably getting further from attainment.


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