James Miller


Wednesday, July 06, 2005


Two Funerals

I don't like funerals as it tends to put dents in one's own invincibility.

And I've had two in the last couple of weeks, with a Memorial Service to come on Friday.

Paul was a member of Celia's chambers, or should I perhaps say a large part of the life and soul. He died of a heart attack, perhaps a couple of hours after we had a jokey conversation about his web site. To be told by Bobbie, the receptionist, typist and general happiness, when I came to meet him the next morning, that he had died, was a tremendous shock.

I'd known Alex for perhaps fifteen years, mainly as William's wife and business partner. His company is my ISP amongst other things. She died of breast cancer after a long fight.

Both too were under fifty, which makes it all the worse.

But the two funerals were so similar, in that neither were somebre affairs, but much more celebrations of lives past. Colour abounded, especially at Alex's.

Perhaps that is how we should all be remembered?


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