I get back from holiday and they're at it again!
Everybody blames everybody else, but one of the reasons that they fight is that Ulster is one of the dullest places on earth. They're also very little work to do and prices are on the whole higher than in the rest of the UK.
So fighting is a cheap and worthwhile pursuit. Especially when you're locked into such silly things as marching to annoy the other side.
But these problems would not happen at all if the province was on a sound economic footing. That can't happen whilst we subsidise it and the Irish really don't want anything to do with it, because of the bigots on both side. They'd much prefer it was our problem than their's!
So what should we do?
1. Impose an extra tax on the province because of all the damage and trouble they cause.
2. Ban all marches.
3. Bring out all British troops.
4. Give them complete home rule and let the civil war start.
5. Banish Ian Paisley and any others who spit the vomit of hatred to St. Helena or preferably Rockall.
6. Give it to the Irish.
7. Put a wall round it and use it as a prison for anybody Tony Blair doesn't like.
Take your pick!
None will work until the province has lots of jobs and whilst they fight they won't get those. Especially, as any business setup in Ulster has much higher costs than say Oldham, Bradford, Paisley, Swansea or Yarmouth or any other place in the UK.
Nothing changes! And nothing will!
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