James Miller


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

New Technology


I read an article in The Times today and found it interesting, even if they got the web site URL wrong. As a nearly 60-something, who's been involved in technology all his life, I'm best described as a very late adopter, unless it is seriously good.

All my software is developed on a 6 year old Dell, as I argue that if it runs on that it'll run on anything. I use a Nokia 6310i mobile phone as I can't see the point of getting anything better, especially as I just had it repaired for £23. (It also links perfectly to my new Jaguar.) I do not have any flat screen TVs, but I do use a widescreen LG monitor, as widescreen is so much better for Windows. The two main TVs (CRT) in the house are driven by Sharp TU-R160 Freeview boxes. (Even the wife can work one of those.) They must be the only modern technology in the house. Other than the LED energy-saving lights that is.

New technology, or at least the way that trendy designers present it, is in danger of vanishing up its own backside, as it's all style and no substance.


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