I have a feeling that this one will run and run!
Take my wife and I, who are getting to be a very typical couple for this modern age. I work at home designing web sites, analysing databases and feeding the dogs. My wife is a barrister, who travels everywhere sorting out the problems of money and children in divorce.
We are both in our late fifties and live on the stud that we own. (Thirty five years ago, we lived with three children on the fourth floor of a walk-up block of flats!) So we tend to shop when it is convenient to us. Groceries are usually bought about once a week with a lot or clothes (and light bulbs) bought over the web.
But we would benefit directly if shops stayed open more on a Sunday, as it’s the only day we have a chance to get together into Cambridge. We often do, but it’s after the shops have shut to watch a film and have a curry at the Curry Queen (recommended.) We’d spend more if the shops stayed open till six on a Sunday.
An interesting aside to all this is that we sold an asthma inhaler to Boeringher Ingelhiem a few years ago. (It’s now called Respimat and see www.respimat.com) The Germans used to come over to see us for the negotiations, as this enabled them to stay over the weekend and do their clothes shopping.
So shut shops just displace business.
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