Street Statues in Minsk
This little ballerina was down by the station, which you can see in the background. Note the Stalinist tower block, which is one of a pair. They did have spires but the concrete wasn't that good, so they were removed for safety.

The next pictures show three of a larger set of scupltures set along Pobediteley Avenue, which is one of the major thoroughfares of Minsk. It also leads up to the bridge which crosses over the river to get to the gardens which lead to the Belarus Hotel.
This was an unusual pair of horses and a carriage, which appeared to be outside some sort of art gallery, museum or perhaps an art dealer. But it didn't seem to have any signs to say what it was all about.
This one was by the Roman Catholic Cathedral.

There is one big difference between these statues and those you would see in a Western city. No artists are credited and there is no sign on any to give any information at all.
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