Golfing in Frinton
Very in tune with the sign at Manningtree Station, that used to say "Harwich for the Continent", to which some wag appended "and Frinton for the Incontinent".
Celia knew all about Frinton and was persona non grata in the town. Not that she would have ever wanted to visit. Except perhaps for the same reasons I would go to the States, whilst they have the death penalty. To do some work and collect a large cheque.
So why was Celia on the list of those not wanted in Frinton?
She was the barrister who acted for the Co-op to get the first off-licence in Frinton. Unfortunately for the Incontinent, the applicant was a rather nice Asian guy, so the magistrates did not turn the application down.
Checking on Google, it appears that there are more than one in the town. Oh dear! I wonder if Celia realised what a terrible flood she would be bringing to the town.
Of course she did! And she told the tale of the off-licence many times.
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